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Our shoes are the longest-lasting disc golf shoe

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X Flex Zone
Power Plant
Minimalist Drop
Drag On

exceptional support and feel



Tech That Lowers Scores

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deep grip

for no slip


idio in the media

Corey Ellis Shines At Smuggs

Corey Ellis Shines At Smuggs

Corey Ellis surged to a 5th place finish this past weekend in Vermont, his highest DGPT finish of the year! Check out his highlights from the final round here!

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Q and A with the founder of Idio by Ultiworld

Q and A with the founder of Idio by Ultiworld

There are very few players who have agreed to wear our shoes for free, yet most players pay for their shoes from the big brands. Some will even make social media posts...

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The Future of Disc Golf: Tech Alley’s Cutting-Edge Tech Empowering Disc Golfers

The Future of Disc Golf: Tech Alley’s Cutting-Edge Tech Empowering Disc Golfers

This year at the Disc Golf Pro Tours OTB Open we helped to organize a unique on-site activation called Tech Alley. The initiative was to bring together leaders in the ...

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Trevor Staub Show, Foundation Podcast with IDIO founder Craig Kitchens

Trevor Staub Show, Foundation Podcast with IDIO founder Craig Kitchens

Trevor dives deep to find out what it takes to be the first disc golf shoe company. Youtube interview

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Our Creed

Disc golf has long been thought of as a peculiar pastime. Gone are the days of flinging plastic frisbees at markers set as temporary targets. Today's players require precision, power, and finesse in order to edge out their competition. The Syncrasy is the first of its kind. A custom-tailored shoe to fit the needs of the sport. Because what we do is no longer a quirky hobby, it is our way of life.